Forth Position works with individuals and organizations, scheming and sketching to discover dynamic ways for them to tell their stories, communicate their ideas, deliver their message. Graphic Design, Motion Graphics, Communications through multiple mediums and across multiple platforms – ask us if it’s in our toolbox and we’ll likely say YES!
Got something important to say, but not quite sure how to say it? We understand that sometimes you have to start making it before you figure out what it is; take those first steps, get your hands dirty, and let the work reveal itself to you. Our collaborative approach, reframing challenge as opportunity, can help to reveal the possibilities. Contact us to begin a dialogue!
Forth founder Thomas Gallagher has hit the streets more times than he can count, picking up the chant and helping others to “raise their voice.” He is a graphic designer, a peacemaker, a dancer, an artist & activist. He views design as a holistic process (design for awareness) both informed and empowered by the message. He writes at his blog The Missing Point.
What is the Forth Position?