The term Forth Position evolved from discussions between Forth founder Thomas Gallagher and his father Dale in fall of 1989. Dale, a Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (one among the many credits, degrees, and distinctions he has achieved), referenced the NLP Theory of Perceptual Positions. This theory establishes three positions, each a separate mode of perception concerning an interaction between individuals. Within the discussion these positions were defined as:
First position (self) is one’s common state of awareness: experiencing an interaction through one’s own filters, feelings, knowledge, and understanding.
Second position (other) is a shift of awareness into the perception of the other individual, not an image of their perception distorted by one's own associations, but a true empathic shift.
Third position (observer) is the perception of the interaction from the outside, a disassociated position enabling one to experience the interaction free of the associations of self or other.
From this base we began to formulate a fourth position that would involve an awareness of all three modes of perception in balance, enabling one to experience the interaction from all positions simultaneously. This idea was informed by a host of other thought and theory and continues to evolve - among these: the art movements Dada & Fluxus; the eastern philosophies of Zen & the Tao (Dao); the writings of Bucky Fuller, Joseph Chilton-Pierce, Milton Erickson and Jack Gibb. This fourth or forth (as in forward) position became defined as a metaphysical place from which one could perceive any given set of variables, any interaction (ie.: what would that look/sound/feel/be like from forth position?). Forth was the position of awareness, the state in which the flow of perception is fluid and encompassing - from self to other to all and one.
Forth Position designs invite the viewer (participant) to interact with the design, accessing it through their own personal perceptions and understanding, providing a path to internalize the messaging within the design. These designs challenge commonly held beliefs, prompting the viewer to overcome their conscious and unconscious biases, seeking to free them by providing them with the opportunity to make a choice.
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